Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Sorry about the long wait :/ but I GOT MY NEW CAMERA HAHAHA so you'll just have to deal with it. I got a Canon Rebel T3i as a beginner's camera. (I got the 50mm f1/8 lens).

I did a little research on entry level cameras, and there are all kinds of amounts of money that people think is "cheap". But for me, a good entry level camera HAS to be cheap (meaning of cheap for me: dirrrrrt cheap) bc I'm in 9th grade and don't have a real job, not exactly rolling in the dollars here.

So that's why I only ended up spending close to $500 on my camera, when other people spend that much on the lens alone, or even more! (Even talking about their cameras makes me jealous dangit.)

So I am definitely an amateur photographer but I looooove taking pictures and have for a long time. I'm planning on taking some classes but right now I have the basics: Look through the thingie and push the button. Oh and isn't there something called the rule of thirds too? Welllll here are some pictures I took when I was in Moab which is soooo pretty that you can't help get some good pictures.


(whale rock)

 (hike to crater overlook)

(dead horse point)

(sunset at dead horse point)


(hiking to skyline arch)

(whale rock)

(dead horse point)

(sunset at dead horse point)

(delicate arch)

(skyline arch)

(can you spot a person?)

(windows arch)

There was this way cool t shirt shop (called exactly that-- the T Shirt Shop) in Moab where you could pick your design and your t shirt (you can also get short sleeve, sweatshirts, etc) and they print the design on, right there! These basic tees are soo comfortable and I wear mine whenever no one is around to see that I've worn it every day in the past week hahahah. Definitely a place to visit.

see ya for now!