Sunday, March 29, 2015


I've been loving this lovely spring weather.

 Perfect for a photo shoot with some friends!

It was also a great day for a neighborhood Easter egg hunt. My friends and I helped hide some of the eggs for the kids in our ward. I just realized how great our ward, and our neighborhood is. We've got the perfect place for gatherings (we had a piano performer come just yesterday to practice her 70 minute performance she is preparing for a PhD!) and lots of fun friends around.

But onto the real reason I decided to post this.

Today I've been thinking about all of the little things in life we have the choice to use to help ourselves become better, and to help others as well. In my religion, we have many books of revelations from modern-day, and prophets of old. We have Personal Progress, the Book of Mormon, countless videos, and many other books and witnesses that Joseph Smith really did translate the Book of Mormon, that our prophet today really does receive revelation from Heavenly Father about many things including what to say in General Conference.

I feel so blessed to know where I need to go in life on Earth, and where I will go after. I believe that Jesus really sacrificed his life for us, and that he is doing his very best to insure that we will return to him after this test of life on Earth. I am so blessed to be a part of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

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