Monday, March 21, 2016

Cinnamon Roll Blondies

Guys don't these look so good? They are amazinnng.

Mmmm... cinnamon sugar and glaze covering a chewy, soft, cinnamon-y bar. Perfect.

You're going to cover your pan in foil and heat your oven to 350 degrees. 

Whisk your dry ingredients together,

then the wet ingredients,

and combine.

Your batter will be thick--close to a dough.

You'll press it (depending on whether you doubled the recipe) into an 8x8 or 9x13 pan.

Mix up your cinnamon sugar (doesn't look like a lot but it goes a long way) and sprinkle it on your batter. When you're sprinkling, shake the bowl side to side while pouring and pour slowly. Don't dump it all on and try to spread it around-- it's harder than it looks.

Into the oven it goes.

As the bars are cooling, mix your glaze together. There's not a whole lot of this either, but you don't need very much. 

Pour it into a plastic bag and cut the very tip off. Squeeze the icing out on a plate to see how thickly or thinly the icing will come out, and you can fix how much of the tip of the plastic bag is cut off.

Squeeze it over your cooled bars in whatever design you choose.

This is the neat part-- you can just pull the tinfoil out of the pan, and cut your bars--easy as pie and you don't have to wash any pans!
This is the neat part-- you can just pull the tinfoil out of the pan, and cut your bars--easy as pie and you don't have to wash any pans!


Eat at least 3 ok? They're soooo good.

Also if you like this please get Sally's cookbook (Sally's Baking Addiction) it has some great recipes.

Oh my I'm making myself hungry just by posting this. But you all have to make these!

I don't have time to type out the whole recipe right now-- but I will add it later today :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

I'm back!!

I'm back!! Hello everyone. As you may be able to tell, I redesigned my blog a bit. I've been MIA the past few months for various reasons (mostly laziness...) but I think I'm back to stay. For this post, I'm going to give you a short overview of the months I've been gone, along with some pictures.
Pittsburgh, PA (we visited our old house and some friends)

Lake Erie, PA

Niagara Falls, Canada (I've been out of the country--we stayed here for a day and a half!)

New York, NY

Statue of Liberty in New York, NY

Central Park in New York, NY

Mississippi River in Nauvoo, Illinois

Random gas station

Oceanside, CA

Kirtland Temple, OH

Philadelphia, PA

Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, PA

Boston, MA (Statue of Paul Revere)

Indoor Market in Boston, MA

Washington Monument in Washington DC

Ticket to watch a session of the house of representatives in Washington DC

Gettysburg, PA (this was probably my favorite historical site)

Oceanside, CA

Sacred Grove in Palmyra, NY

My view was normally something like this^ (we logged close to 6 twelve-hour days in the car!) 

Or this (following parents and strollered siblings.)

Thinking back on this trip, we did a heck of a lot of things. This isn't even all of it (oh and they're all way out of order, I was too lazy to put them in the right order). 
We spent a month out of school and it was actually way fun even with homework. I crammed in most of my homework on the week before I got back since we were in Cali, and the week we got back to school and it all worked out, my grades were fine. I would totally recommend a trip like this, and we found a great time to do it (September-October). Here are a couple pictures of things we did since then:

looots of skiing

gingerbread houses

braces offff!


That's all! Hope you all had fun looking at a bajillion pictures. Wish you could have come on that trip don't you? ;)
Julia :))